Monday, December 8, 2008

Internet Mobile Market Trends 2009-2012

If you make a research regarding NEW SEO 2009 TRENDS you`ll get many results. I`ve picked some of the most relevant directions:

- SEO for mobile (.mobi)
- Link building (smarter, more relevant)
- Creative Marketing
- Social Networking
- SEo Blogs
- Good informative content
- Niches
- Video
- More In-House SEOs for companies
- Search Engine Marketing
- Anything interactive

Mobile Facts:

PriceWaterhouse says that mobile television subscriptions are expected to grow 5x to $19 bilions by 2012 compared to $408 milions in 2007. The United States is expected to make $2.1 bilions of that 2012 figure.

Telefonica O2 survey indicates that mobile marketing budget percentage is expected to grow 150% by 2013. 8% of marketing directors anticipate behavioural targeting to be an important capability by 2010.

Kelsey Group said recently that 44.7% US mobile users are looking for a mobile phone with better Internet capability. US mobile search advertising revenues are expected to grow from $33.2 mln in 2007 to $1.4 bln in 2012, representing a compound annual growth rate of 112%. 9.8% of respondents used their mobile phones to conduct Internet searches for products and services in their local area. During the same period, 10.7% downloaded or looked at maps, while 10.9% indicated they had downloaded search or mapping applications (for use on the Internet) to supplement those that came with their mobile phones 78% of Americans own cell phones.

According to Pew Internet Project 78% of Americans own cell phones, up from 65% in 2004 and 73% in 2006. Personal digital assistants (PDAs), such as Blackberries, are also becoming more common among working Americans. Overall, 13% of Americans and 19% of those who are working own a PDA or Blackberry (up from 14% of workers in 2006). Most PDA owners (69%) say their PDAs double as cell phones. This trend is also rapidly increasing; in 2006 only 26% used their PDAs as cell phones, According to Informa, the number of mobile social-networking users will rise from 2.3% of global cell-phone users at the end of 2007 to as many as 23% of all mobile users by the end of 2012.

Mobile Search Engine across different countries
in June 2008

(source: Comscore)

Mobile Subscribers Activity

(source: Comscore)

Operating System Market Share
(source: MarketShare)

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